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Friday, August 5, 2016

HOLY COW: Kim Kardashian is producing her OWN reality TV competition for #FashionBloggers

( - My new besties Kim Kardashian West continues to inspire the SHIT out of me. Sorry for cursing but nothing I could say could explain how excited am about it. I'd lying if I said I've always been a fan. But I'm a huge fan now thanks to her mobile mogul mentality.

 The valley girl accent is exhausting sometimes but I've interviewed her at Sears when she and her sisters launched their clothing line in NYC. I've been around her when she was hanging with LaLa Anthony at the Knicks games where I do my Knicks Chicks fashion reports. And of course I've been obsessing about her ingenious idea to unlock her web on her app.

But now that I've learned that she's starting a reality TV competition for fashion bloggers, I'm close to fainting. Today she'll be rocking all of us bloggers and influencers words at BlogHer16. My fingers can't type fast enough. GO BESTIE! Let's get that money.

She basically told us to "Slay All Day and don't give a second thought to the haters."


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