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Sunday, August 21, 2016

UNINTENTIONAL BACHELORETTE: Inside my online dating journey

( - I am relunctantly back in the dating scene. Actually, let me correct that. I'm dipping my toe into the pond. As part of a 30 Day Online Dating challenge, I decided to sign up for a few online dating websites and see what happened. I abandoned one site within two days. I hated it. The other was just too intense for me. The men wanted to rush into marriage and while marriage and being in love is a life goal, I want to take my time getting to know the man I bring into my life. So, I've primarily focused my attention on the third dating website. It's been a lot of fun chatting with people online but I wasn't ready to meet people in person. I've met a few - including one I really like and have high hopes for - but for the most part I was just chatting until the dating challenge required me to meet at least 15 guys in person. Some of have been "drive by" coffee dates and others I met for happy hour. One got a little physical....Stay tuned.

I've decided to share my dating journey with you along with tips of 10 Things NOT to Do When Dating Online and The Top 5 Places to Kiss in NYC (I'll be interviewing the men for their feedback because I'm not the bachelorette. I'm not kissing 20 men just for a blog post. Sorry!)

Stay tuned for my reports. Hit the "Follow" button so you don't miss a thing.


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